Department of Environmental Science and DCE - The National Center for Environment and Energy is responsible for estimating and reporting the official emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases from Danish sources. The inventories include all pollutants covered by international reporting obligations most notably the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
The emission inventories follow agreed international guidelines and forms the basis of compliance checking of Denmark’s international obligations related to emissions.
The Department also prepares emission projections for Denmark’s official submissions to the above-mentioned conventions as well as relevant EU directives and regulations.
Furthermore, the Department has developed a model for spatial distribution of emissions – the SPREAD model. The model is a high-resolution model designed to provide high-quality input to air quality modelling (SPREAD).
In addition, to our work on emission inventories and projections, the experts participate in a range of other projects, both research oriented and advisory projects. A key activity is participation in international reviews, and the group participates in reviews under the UNFCCC, the UNECE as well as reviews conducted by the European Commission.