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New research reveals that ice algae can store nutrients which may enable them to colonize more of the ice sheet, darkening and melting it.
PFAS-centret, der er et samarbejde mellem fire af landets universiteter, skal levere forskning og viden om, hvordan myndighederne kan afværge,…
At the top of Mt. Helmos in Greece, researchers from more than 12 European countries, including Aarhus University, hope to learn more about how clouds…
Newly appointed professor at ESGO.
New Professor in Environmental social Science and Geography (ESGO) from October 2024.
Tidligere troede forskerne, at processerne kun havde betydning for Arktis, men nye beregninger viser, at den påvirker atmosfæren langt ned i Europa og…
Young scientist writes best research paper of the year: Developed new method to cultivate microbes on the ice
Around seven million people will die prematurely from air pollution annually in the future if we do not change our ways.
Greenlandic ice is teeming with life, both on the surface and underneath.
As part of a new international research project, Department of Environmental Science researchers will investigate the use of natural processes in…
New research from a research group led by Aarhus University.
Carsten Ambelas Skjøth’s scientific curiosity has led him to travel in search of answers. He began working with air quality monitoring and modelling…
Environmental researchers from Aarhus University will lead a new EU research project documenting economic gains and financing concepts for Nature…
"To help solve the climate crisis; and do it in an environmentally safe way where the soil quality and biodiversity is preserved – that’s inspiring to…
New Honorary Associate Professor at ENVS.