Aarhus University Seal

Congratulations to Marianne Zandersen

Newly appointed professor at ESGO.

Marianne about herself:

My main research interest and experience lies within the field of non-market valuation of ecosystem services benefits, value transfer, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses of particularly nature-based solutions, where I seek to improve and advance the understanding of economic assessments of recreation, health and well-being, water quality, climate and biodiversity. Despite many years of research and applications of non-market benefits valuation, evidence is still not sufficiently robust and there is a gap in up-scaling and mainstreaming this field.

Another strand of my research interests is in the development of extended shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) from a global scale to a national or regional scale for use in integrated assessments of regional environmental problems. The use of SSPs integrates analyses and researchers in interdisciplinary projects to a far deeper level, fosters wider research collaborations beyond individual projects than what was initially planned and provides a rare forum for stakeholders and policymakers to reflect about societal futures and their role.

Our current economic system and models fail to fully recognize the value of nature to planetary and human health and most sectors are subject to increasing nature-related financial, economic and supply risks.  By working on these issues across habitats including marine, coastal, forests, rural and urban ecosystems, and across sectors, I aim to contribute to an uptake of the full set of values of nature into planning and investment decisions to ensure a nature-positive economy that prioritises nature recovery alongside human prosperity.