Atmospheric nitrogen in the form of ammonia, ammonium, nitrate and a number of other reactive nitrogen compounds is the form of air pollution that currently has the greatest impact on the Danish nature. More than 50% of the Danish nature areas receive more nitrogen than they can tolerate.
Annual reports are prepared on the atmospheric fallout of various substances to Denmark. It and many other things appear under menu items to the right. For example, it is also possible to become wiser on oxygen depletion and tolerance limits - what strain nature can tolerate and how much it is charged.
Results for the last several years of monitoring the Danish aquatic environment have shown that the sale of nitrogen from the atmosphere represents a considerable part of the nitrogen that is supplied annually to the inner Danish waters. The deposition of nitrogen also causes considerable damage to marine areas. The nitrogen decay of the air contributes to the formation of the large and frequent cases of oxygen depletion in recent decades.
The air contains a large number of other chemical compounds which have harmful effects on nature - read more about it under Measurement Measure methods.