The first SINKS project was carried out during 2008-2013. It consisted of a total of 13 sub-projects:
Nb | Sub-project titles |
1 | Agricultural and other land: Build-up of database, routines, QA/QC, emission inventory |
1a | Operationalisation of C-Tools |
2 | Forestry: Build-up of database, reporting routines, QA/QC |
3 | C-TOOL: Model development, documentation and verification |
4 | Satellite monitoring: development of routines and analysis of 1990, 2005, 2008 og 2012 |
4b | Land use matrix: Development of method and quality control, analysis of 1990, 2005, 2008 og 2012 |
5 | Verification of changes in the C- balance in agricultural soils: Soil samples and analysis in the 'kvadratnet' |
6 | Mapping of organic soils |
7 | Emission factors for organic soils |
8 | Documentation of existing hedgerows and changes to these |
9 | Development of national expansion factors for Udarbejdelse af nationale ekspansionsfaktorer for Norway spruce, beech and oak |
10 | Inventory of forest soils |
11 | Project coordination and management |
12 | Validation of the N2O emission estimate from forest soils |
13 | Estimation of consequences of sub-project 7 results on the leaching of nitrogen and emission and nitrogen oxide from drained agricultural soils |
Results from this project will be reported in the final report, which will be made available on this page as soon as it is published.