Aarhus University Seal

Data protection

How anonymity is protected and what happens to your response:

Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous. The survey is broadly distributed to thousands of residents in Roskilde, København and Frederiksberg municipality via posters located at public places in Roskilde and via the Facebook platform.

Your response will be one of many received. The information will be coded for data entry and later analysis. The original anonymised survey responses and the coded data will be stored on a password protected and secured server at Aarhus University, where only the members of our research team will have access to the data. IP addresses are not collected.

Information from this survey is intended for academic purposes only, and will be reported only as a collective combined total. The original anonymised data and the coded data will be destroyed after the completion of this project. The project has been  reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board at Aarhus University.

Are there any risks?

Risks to participants are considered minimal. Please be reminded that you can skip any questions you wish or stop completing the survey at any time, if you feel discomfort in answering them.

What if you have concerns? 

Questions about the study or your participation or if you have ethical concerns may be directed to the researchers at e-mail: paa-vej@envs.au.dk  

For more information please visit our website  and our Facebook page