Aarhus University Seal

Atmospheric chemistry and physics

Section in Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University

Section name Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Head of section Ole Hertel (Atmospheric Processes - ATPRO)
Thomas Ellermann (Atmospheric Air Quality - ATAIR)
Section employees See list
Physical location AU Roskilde
Research keywords

Monitoring, AMAP, DANCEA, NOVANA, air pollution measurements, particulate pollution, human exposure to air pollution, nitrogen deposition, air pollution from agriculture, ammonia, Arctic research.


The department maintains a comprehensive set of web pages on air pollution. In particular, there is a subset on monitoring.

Section research areas

The work carried out in the section Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics focuses on the physical and chemical processes that control the level and trend of air quality development and atmospheric deposition. The section undertakes national air quality monitoring tasks, and it is active in the area of research, consultancy, monitoring and teaching. The research focuses on the impact of air quality on human health, nature, aquatic environment and interaction with climate.

National emission inventories. The section Emission Modelling and Environmental Geography is responsible for the preparation of the official national emission inventories. It also develops emission projections that are used to evaluate the possible effects of local, national and international policies. Research is undertaken to improve the quality of these inventories and to develop strategies and methods for alleviating the effects of emissions on society.

See: Website for national emission inventories | Preparation of national emission inventories

Scientific results

You will find information on the scientific results of research and advisory work carried out by the section via the following links:

Section employees