Aarhus Universitets segl

Specialeemner i Miljøfarlige stoffer

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Human eksponering for den bromerede flammehæmmer hexabromocyklododekan, HBCD


Bromerede flammehæmmere (BFR) bliver bl.a. anvendt i møbelpolstring, byggemateriale og elektronik for at forhindre brand. HBCD er en nyere type BFR og blandt de mest anvendte BFR i EU, hvor der hvert år bruges ca. 10.000 tons. HBCD er mistænkt for at være hormonforstyrrende, men der er endnu ikke mange data for intern human eksponering. Andre BFR er fundet i høje koncentrationer i støv og dette projekt undersøger hypotesen, at støv også er en vigtig eksponeringsvej for HBCD. Analyser er på sporstofniveau og inkludere bl.a. Soxhlet-ekstraktion, søjleoprensning og LC-MS-MS analyse. Hvis det har interesse, vil humane prøver blive forsøgt inddraget, for at undersøge sammenhængen mellem ekstern og intern eksponering. Projektet gennemføres i samarbejde med Afdelingen for Systemanalyse.

Kontaktperson: Seniorforsker Katrin Vorkamp, kvo@dmu.dk, tlf. 87 15 84 83.

Brominated flame retardants in plastic materials


Since July 2006, the use of certain flame retardants in electric and electronic devices has been banned, including some polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), unless no technical substitutions exist. The compliance with this directive will have to be monitored in the future, furthermore, other brominated flame retardants, such as deca-BDE, tetrabromobiphenol A (TBBPA) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) have not been regulated at present. The proposed project aims to develop an analytical method for the detection of these compounds in plastic materials and to screen a variety of plastic materials for the presence of brominated flame retardants. Eventually, combining analytical results with literature information, plastic materials will be assessed as a potential source of exposure to brominated flame retardants. The project will be carried out in cooperation between the NERI departments of Environmental Chemistry & Microbiology and Policy Analysis.

Kontaktperson: Seniorforsker Katrin Vorkamp, kvo@dmu.dk, tlf. 87 15 84 83.