Aarhus University Seal

Air quality monitoring stations in Føllesbjerg (Keldsnor)

    A station in a background area 
  • Keldsnor/9005 - (10o 44' 11" E, 54o 44' 47" N)  
    Site type: Regional(coast)  See photos

24 h measurements of aerosols and gases: Elements, NO3-, NH4+, SO2, NH3 and HNO3

Daily measurements ot "wet only" precipitation, ½ month measurements of "bulk" precipitation 

½ hour measurements of NO, NO2, NOx and O3

24 hour measurements of PM10 

In November 2004 the monitoring station was moved from the lighthouse at Keldsnor to Føllesbjerg - approx. 2 km northwards.  

Photod for Føllesbjerg station (9005/9055???)

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