Aarhus Universitets segl

Steen Solvang Jensen


Seniorforsker, sektionsleder

Primær tilknytning

Steen Solvang Jensen CV


  • Luftkvalitetsmodellering
  • Befolkningseksponering
  • Helbredseffekter
  • Samfundsmæssige omkostninger
  • Beslutningsstøtte




My research and development focus on integrated modelling systems for air pollution,  human exposures, health impacts and related social costs with applications within air pollution epidemiology and decision-support within urban air quality assessment and management with focus on policy options within transport and wood stoves. My research also focuses on climate mitigation emphasising the relation between environment and renewable energy sources and alternative fuels for the transport sector.


I am also engaged in educational activities at courses for PhD students, Master students and continuing education for professionals within air quality assessment and management. I also contributes to outreach to the publice through popular lectures, panel debates, mass media and information about air quality on the web.


I have contributed to numerous advisory projects for different public institutions in Denmark and abroad sharing my knowledge and influencing policy and practice regarding air quality, environmental health and impact assessment of policy measures. 


I am Head of Section for the Section of Atmosperic Emissions & Modelling with responsibility for development of strategies, goals and plans for research, talent development, advisory services,  and teaching as well as day-to-day management.

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