Aarhus Universitets segl

Niels Schøtt Hvidberg


Ph.d.-studerende, Atmosfærisk Modellering og CO2

Primær tilknytning

Niels Schøtt Hvidberg


  • Atmosfærisk Modellering
  • Sattelit observationer
  • CO2
  • Fortran
  • Model statistik
  • Luft transport



In my research I am modeling CO2 in the Northern Hemisphere with a focus on urban air quality. As a part of the IMTECC project, I am using the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model (DEHM) to investigate the capabilities of the new CO2-Monitoring (CO2-M) satellite on different emission scenarios created by the Copenhagen Greater Area Model for Passenger Transport (COMPASS).

All inquiries regarding my research or ideas for collaboration are welcome.

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