Aarhus Universitets segl


Licensing conditions

The licensing conditions for WinOSPM give the licensee right to use any number of copies of the program on any number of PC's, as long as they are physically present at the address of registration; also included by the license are portable and home computers for employees working at the specified address.

Note that a company having branches at several physical locations is required to have separate licenses for each branch where the program is applied.

Price List

Standard price:

  • 1995 €

Special price for educational institutions and non-commercial use in teaching and research:

  • 625 €

Special OSPM license package for Air Quality Management systems including installation:

  • 4500 €  (Includes: A Standard license for WinOSPM, time series including regional background air pollution concentrations; the Urban Background Model UBM  including a Graphical User Interface, a GIS software to visualize UBM results and additional software licenses for auxiliary software and setting up/installation of the whole system)

These prices include 6 months support (starting at delivery date) with data and software updates and limited telephone and email hotline (short questions regarding the software not consulting work).

After the support period has expired (6 months after delivery) we offer a maintenance contract where we continue to provide you with data and software updates and continue the hotline service as described above.

The price for this service is 12% of the license cost per year, i.e. 239 € (standard); 84 € (educational) and 540€ (AQM package).

Payment with credit card or invoice

As a new service we are now accepting payment for the license fee by credit card via our web-shop. However we advise you to take contact with us to place your order before you perform the payment. Alternatively we will send you an invoice and you pay traditionally per bank transfer.

Due to different VAT regulations there are two links:

Danish customers use: https://auws.au.dk/OSPM-model-DK

Customers outside Denmark use: https://auws.au.dk/OSPM-model-UK_sale (Updated! Now with option for maintenance contract)

Ordering Information

WinOSPM can be ordered at:

Aarhus University
Department of Environmental Science (ENVS)*
Att. Matthias Ketzel
P.O. Box 358
DK-4000 Roskilde.

Tel. +45 87 15 85 29 (direct)
Tel. +45 87 15 44 00 (switchboard)
Fax +45 87 15 50 10

OSPM-Email: OSPM (at) au (dot) dk

*New unit since July2011, taking over from the former National Environmental Research Institute (NERI)