Aarhus Universitets segl


The ECLAIRE project

The ÉCLAIRE project [Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems] is a four year project funded by the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). The project will be running for 4 years, from October 2011-2015 and involves 39 partner institutions across Europe.

ÉCLAIRE seeks to quantify the effects of climate change on air pollution impacts and use this to develop response strategies for European ecosystems. Focusing especially on the role of ozone and nitrogen, and where relevant their interactions with volatile organic compounds, aerosols and sulphur.

AU is represented in several WPs with focus on ammonia emissions and ecosystem responses.

ENVS-AU competences of added value for the SP activities

The air pollution models developed in ÉCLAIRE may likewise be used to quantify the effects of innovative resource flows between innovative technologies to reduce air pollution and thereby provide support for future ecosystem and health preservation

AU contact: Camilla Geels (WP6: Emissions on regional to global scale, WP7: Modelling European air pollution and deposition ), cag@dmu.dk, Tel: +45 8715 8527

For more information: http://www.eclaire-fp7.eu/