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"To help solve the climate crisis; and do it in an environmentally safe way where the soil quality and biodiversity is preserved – that’s inspiring to…
New Honorary Associate Professor at ENVS.
Uddelt i forbindelse med ST SUMMER HANGOUT fredag 23. august 2019.
ENVS PhD student from Ecuador wins price at “HARMO19” in Bruges, Belgium.
ENVS modtager en stor del af denne bevilling.
Miljøstyrelsens Rådgivende Udvalg for Bekæmpelsesmiddelforskning.
Exposure to heat and air pollution in Europe – cardiopulmonary impacts and benefits of mitigation and adaptation (EXHAUSTION).
DCE/Aarhus University co-hosted a workshop in Brussels on SDG’s.
Officiel åbning af forskningscenteret Big Data Centre for Environment and Health.
BERTHA, Big Data Centre for Environment and Health.
Hvordan påvirkes kroppen af det moderne liv.
at the Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE).
Danske forskere støvsuger luften ved svinefarme.
Forsker i mikrobielt liv på overfladen af is.
Måling af luftkvalitet på samtlige gader i Storkøbenhavn.
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