Aarhus Universitets segl


Innovation Fund Denmark project – RoboWeedMaPS

Kunstig intelligens skal reducere brugen af sprøjtemidler.

Foto: Datalogisk

Helle Ørsted Nielsen and Anders Branth Pedersen (senior researchers, SAMI) have received a grant from Innovation Fund Denmark as partners in the project RoboWeedMaPS – Automated Weed Detection, Mapping and Variable Precision Control of Weeds, which received a grant of 19,5 million DKK from the fund.

The ENVS funding is 0,4 million DKK.

Partners in the project are three Aarhus University departments (Engineering, Agro, and ENVS) and five private partners (Datalogisk A/S, IPM Consult ApS, Agro Intelligence ApS, Danfoil A/S, and I-GIS).

The aim of RoboWeedMaPS is to gradually introduce a multidisciplinary technology chain, which will enable a reduction in the use of herbicides without the need for intermediate decision-making and manual data processing.

ENVS will be analysing how well the developed technology matches farmer perceptions and practises. If interested, you can read more about the project in these (Danish) news articles:



For further information please contact:

Helle Ørsted Nielsen hon@envs.au.dk  or Anders Branth Pedersen abp@envs.au.dk