Aarhus Universitets segl


EPITOME project granted by The Nordic Council of Ministers

Full title: Emissions from shiPs and the Impacts on human healTh and envirOnMEnt in the nordic - now and in the future.

Foto: Jane Søfting

Camilla Geels, Ph.D. Senior Scientist, has received funding from the Climate and Air Pollution Group under the Nordic Council of Ministers for the research project ‘Emissions from shiPs and the Impacts on human healTh and envirOnMEnt in the nordic - now and in the future (EPITOME)'.

The total amount applied for is ca. 465.000 DKK and ca. 50% is for ENVS. Only the first year has been funded so far, but a similar amount is expected for two additional years. 

The main purpose of the project is to make detailed assessments of the health effects and environmental impacts related to current day shipping activities in the Nordic and the Arctic region and to investigate how the combined changes in climate and shipping activities might impact air pollution and health effects in the future.

Through the scenarios it will be possible to evaluate the impact of potential measures for reducing shipping emissions of various air pollutants (GHGs, SO2, NOx and BC). The project brings together expertise’s on ship emission modelling from Department of Environmental Science (ENVS), AU and Finnish Meteorological Institute and expertise’s on air quality modelling from ENVS and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Furthermore the Economic Valuation of Air pollution (EVA) model developed at ENVS will be applied for the assessment of health effects.

For further information please contact Camilla Geels at cag@envs.au.dk.