Aarhus Universitets segl

Stormøde om planerne for AU´s fysiske udvikling

Invitation to a general meeting about the plans for AU’s physical development

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 2. maj 2018,  kl. 10:00 - 11:30


Aulaen i Universitetsparken, Aarhus/The Main Hall in the University Park, Aarhus. Registration is not required.


ST kommunikation på AU

Alle medarbejdere og studerende inviteres til stormøde i Aulaen 2. maj, hvor Aarhus Universitets ledelse præsenterer de visioner, som bestyrelsen har vedtaget for universitetets fysiske udvikling.

Er du forhindret i at deltage, så kan du følge mødet via live-streaming på www.au.dk/campuslive . Her vil du også få mulighed for at stille spørgsmål på lige fod med deltagerne til mødet.


General meeting about the plans for AU’s physical development

All members of staff and students are invited to a general meeting on 2 May in the Main Hall, where the senior management team's plans for the university’s physical development will be presented.

Place: The Main Hall in the University Park, Aarhus. Registration is not required.

If you are unable to attend the meeting on 2 May, you can watch the meeting online live at www.au.dk/campuslive. Online viewers will be able to ask questions, like participants in the Main Hall.
