Aarhus University Seal


Volante - Visons of land use transitions in Europe

Land use transitions will occur in an ever increasing pace, answering changing conditions of global market and society. European Policy is currently confronted with the need to develop visions of managing these land use transitions in a responsible way.

A new vision on land management

VOLANTE aims to develop a new European land management paradigm, providing an integrated conceptual and operational platform which allows policy makers to develop pro-active and context-sensitive solutions to the challenges for the future, rather than to react on largely autonomous external land systems developments.

Towards sound policies for future land use

Objective of VOLANTE is to provide European policy and land management with critical pathways defining the band width of possible land management policies for future European land use. Policy options will therefore be identified in time and space and their consequences in terms of states of the land system (provisioning of ecosystem goods and services) will be evaluated, leading to a Roadmap for Future Land Resources Management in Europe.

ENVS-AU contribution

The department contributes partly to the analysis of policy drivers for land use change, and partly to the scenario and vision development

Contact: Senior researcher Pia Frederiksen, pfr@dmu.dk

For more information: www.volante-project.eu