Aarhus University Seal

Sustainable Resource Flows

The Science Program for Sustainable Resource Flows focuses on developing and applying interdisciplinary frameworks for research that increase society’s knowledge about resource flows between the environment and society, about how environmental and climate impacts can be mitigated or increased by changes in resource flows, and how environmentally, socially and economically sustainable changes in resource flows might be motivated by incentives and regulation.

The objectives are:

  • to identify and analyse the most important resource flows in the production/consumption circle and the potentials for improving resource efficient use and management of materials and energy, by recycling, waste prevention in households, industry and agriculture, improvements in product design etc.;
  • to identify possibilities for exploring new biomass resources, and to analyse the environmental, economic and social consequences of the use of these resources; and
  • to create new and further develop existing interdisciplinary concepts and models to enable integrated analyses and assessments  of the utilisation and management of materials, energy and ecosystem services in a broader sense.

Focus areas comprise:

  • Ecosystem Services, future land use and sustainable resource flows;
  • Use of ecosystem services in marine areas – macro algae, mussels and fisheries; and
  • Use and recirculation of biomass waste from agricultural production and households.

Science programme coordinator

Members of the programme

Name Job title Email Phone Building
Albrektsen, Rikke Academic staff member rial@envs.au.dk +4587158439 7407, 115
Andersen, Mikael Skou Professor msa@envs.au.dk +4587158606 5128, 3008
Bester, Kai Professor kb@envs.au.dk +4587158552 7412, C1.02
Brandt, Jørgen Professor jbr@envs.au.dk +4587158522 7404, 136
Bruun, Henrik Gundorph IT Staff Member hgb@envs.au.dk +4587158623 7407, 111
Fauser, Patrik Senior Researcher paf@envs.au.dk +4587158549 7412, C2.16
Geels, Camilla Senior Researcher cag@envs.au.dk +4587158527 7404, 140
Gosewinkel, Ulrich Bay Senior Researcher ulrich.gosewinkel@envs.au.dk +4528739397 7412, C2.51
Gyldenkærne, Steen Senior Researcher sgy@envs.au.dk +4587158543 7407, 114
Hansen, Kaj Mantzius Senior Researcher kmh@envs.au.dk +4587158658 7404, 142
Hjelgaard, Katja Hossy Academic staff member kahj@envs.au.dk +4587158727 7407, 113
Jensen, Anne Senior Researcher aj@envs.au.dk +4526827673 7407, 137
Johansen, Anders Senior Researcher, Head of section ajo@envs.au.dk +4587158586 7411, B2.10
Levin, Gregor Senior Advisor gl@envs.au.dk +4587158664 7407, 135
Mikkelsen, Mette Hjorth Special Consultant mhm@envs.au.dk +4587158579 7407, 111
Nainggolan, Doan Senior Researcher dna@envs.au.dk +4587158629 7407, 118
Nielsen, Helle Ørsted Senior Researcher hon@envs.au.dk +4587165612
Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth Senior consultant okn@envs.au.dk +4587158478 7407, 112
Petersen, Lars Kjerulf Senior Researcher lkp@envs.au.dk +4587158575 7407, 133
Plejdrup, Marlene Schmidt Special Consultant msp@envs.au.dk +4587158627 7407, 112
Winding, Anne Professor aw@envs.au.dk +4530254675 7411, B2.16
Zandersen, Marianne Senior Researcher mz@envs.au.dk +4587158728 7407, 124