Aarhus University Seal


The MacroAlgae Biorefinery

MAB3 is a four-year research project promoting biomass resources from the sea, namely algae. The overall goal is to contribute to solving the challenges with food and energy supply and find ways to exploite the sea instead of farm land.

The project aim is to develop new technologies in laboratory and pilot scale that will lead to sustainable growth and subsequent conversion of two brown algae (Saccharina latissima and Laminaria digitata) into three energy carriers - bioethanol, biobutanol and biogas - and a high-protein fish feed supplemented with essential amino acids.

Contact: Annette Bruhn (WP1: Cultivation systems), anbr@dmu.dk 8715 8797 and Marianne Thomsen, mth@dmu.dk 2229 2627 or Berit Hasler bh@dmu.dk ( WP6 Environmental and Economic sustainability assessment of the whole value chain)

For more informationhttp://www.mab3.dk/