Aarhus University Seal

Reporting sectors

In the reporting templates for the international conventions the emission sources are aggregated in groups called sectors. The emission inventories cover six sectors; "Energy", "Industrial Processes and Product Use", "Agriculture", "Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry", "Waste" and "Other".

In the national emission data system the emission sources for the Energy sector is split into three sub-sectors; “Stationary Combustion”, “Mobile Sources” and “Fugitive Emissions from Fuels”. The emission sources in the eight sectors in the Danish emission system are shortly described in the table below. For more details on the sectors use the links in the table.

The emission calculations in the national system are carried out on SNAP level (Selected Nomenclature for Air Pollution) and stored in the Danish emission database. Emissions are aggregated on IPCC sector level for reporting to the international conventions. For EU, UNFCCC and KP emissions are reported in the Common Reporting Format (CRF) and for CLRTAP emissions are reported in the Nomenclature for Reporting format (NFR).

Stationary Combustion

Stationary Combustion covers combustion for electricity and heat production in CHP plants and waste incineration plants and combustion in households and industry. Fuel consumption in refineries and for off-shore energy production is also included in this sector.

Mobile Sources

Mobile Sources cover combustion of fuels in road transport, railways, national navigation, national aviation, fishing vessels and related to use of machineries in agriculture, industry and households. Emissions from electricity driven transport, e.g. trains are included under Stationary Combustion (power production). Emissions from international navigation and aviation are given in a special category – memo items – as these emissions are not included in the national total.

Fugitive Emissions from Fuels

Fugitive Emissions from Fuels covers emissions related to extraction, refining, storage, transmission and distribution of fossil fuels.

Industrial Processes and Product Use

Industrial Processes and Product Use cover processes related emissions, e.g. cement production and product uses, e.g. use of solvents. Further, emissions related to use of F-gases are included in this sector. Emissions related to the energy consumption in industry are included in the Energy sector.


Agriculture includes emissions from the livestock production and the agultural soils.

Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)

LULUCF covers sources and sinks in relation to land use and change of land use. The inventory covers forest areas, agricultural areas, natural areas and settlements. Both changes in the amount of living biomass and the carbon stock in soils are included. The inventory covers only human induced emissions.


The Waste sector includes solid waste disposal on land, biological treatment of solid waste, incineration and open burning of waste, waste water treatment and discharge and other waste. Collection of landfill biogas for energy production as well as biogas production from anaerobic digestion of sludge at wastewater treatment plants, are included in the Energy sector. In Denmark all energy from waste incineration is used for electricity and/or heat production and the resulting emissions are included in the Energy sector.

Emissions from the waste sector includes methane emissions resulting from landfill gas production not collected for energy production, emissions from compost production, emissions from cremation of corpses and incineration of carcasses, process emissions from wastewater treatment processes and anaerobic digestion of sludge and emissions from accidental fires.    


No emissions occur in this sector in the Danish emission inventory

For a description of the emissions on pollutant level, please refer to the parts of the emission inventory site that cover greenhouse gases and air pollutants.

Relevant reports

Sectoral reports give detailed information on the methodology used in the emission inventory for the individual sectors. Find selected sectoral/sub-sectoral reports via the following links: Stationary combustion, Mobile sources, Fugitive emissions from fuels, Industrial Processes, Solvents and other product use, Agriculture, Waste water treatment plants, Waste incineration and waste other. Further information can be found in the yearly reports for UNFCCC (the National Inventory Report, NIR) and CLRTAP (Informative Inventory Report, IIR).

For a popular-science description of the Danish emission inventory for greenhouse gases, please refer to the Danish-language book " Drivhusgasser - kilder, opgørelsesmetoder og internationale forpligtelser". The book includes sectoral descriptions of sources, methodologies, activity data, emission factors and emissions. Further, the book includes a chapter on the international conventions, Denmark's obligations and the organization of the international climate debate.

The indicators defined according to the obligations under decisions of the EU Monitoring Mechanism have been worked out for 1990-2007 in the report “Indicators for Danish Greenhouse Gas Emissions from 1990 to 2007”. Only the energy, industry and transport sectors and only emissions of CO2 are covered by the indicators defined. The report includes explanations on the data collection for the indicators for Denmark.

The QA/QC plan for the Danish emission inventory system for greenhouse gases is described in the report "Quality manual for the greenhouse gas inventory".

The reports “Verification of the Danish emission inventory data by national and international data comparisons” and "Verification of the Danish 1990, 2000 and 2010 emission inventory data" represents the Danish contribution to the work on verification of emission estimates.