Aarhus University Seal


Measurement of air pollution during The People’s Meeting on Bornholm

The Department of Environmental Science was responsible for the measurements.

The 2018 People’s Meeting is now over.

Among the participants was the Department of Environmental Science from Aarhus University, whose task was to measure air pollution at the meeting.

This was done with newly developed sensors, which measure so far CO2 and particles (fine particles, PM2.5 and coarse particles, PM10). The sensors are still under development and are therefore not yet validated against reference instruments, but if you are interested, you can follow the measurements here
Although Allinge was blocked from traffic, there were areas where the particle concentration increased. This was the case at the bus terminal as well as in areas with many food stalls, where barbecues and gas blasts contributed to the particle emissions. Likewise, the beautiful summer weather has dried up the soil, so on dry lawns with many people there was a lot of dust in the air, which increased the concentration of the coarse particles (PM10).

More about The People’s Meeting here (In Danish only)