Aarhus University Seal

Public Sector Consultancy Committee

The Department of Environmental Science is a central and important provider of impartial science-based advisory consultancy and monitoring.

The Purpose of the Public Sector Consultancy Committee is to maintain and develop the Departments´ science-based advisory activities and consultancy of public and private institutions.

The members of the Public Sector Consultancy Committee:

Chairman Thomas Ellermann, Senior Scientist, ATMI, tel@envs.au.dk            
Pia Lassen, Deputy Head of Department, Senior Scientist MITO, pla@envs.au.dk                                     
Ole-Kenneth Nielsen, Chief Consultant, ATMI, okn@envs.au.dk
Niels Bohse Hendriksen, Senior Scientist, EMBI, nbh@envs.au.dk
Vibeke Vestergaard Nielsen, Chief Consultant, DCE, vvn@dce.au.dk                             

Secretarial support: