Aarhus University Seal

Environmental contaminants

The topic of Environmental Contaminants is a "Research flagship" at Aarhus University.

A "Research flagship" is an area where internationally recognized research of high quality is conducted. The Department of Environmental Science has three such research flagships.

Environmental contaminants research flagship

The release of chemical and biological contaminants to the environment is a key area in environmental research. By focussing on the persistence, transformation, consequences and effect of chemical and biological contaminants it is possible to evaluate the possible risk induced by these contaminants.

Exposure of contaminants has consequences for environment and health, including contamination of resources (water, air, soil, food). It is therefore essential to track exposure sources, transformation routes as well as the exposure-effect couplings.

The research area also includes development of effective ways to reduce emissions of contaminants, both chemical and biological.

The research areas and general aims of the flagship are to:

  • Develop and understand bioremediation and transformation kinetics/processes of organic pollutants
  • Investigate the presence, evolution and persistence of pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic resistance in the environment
  • Evaluate and elucidate the risk and fate of organic contaminants from sources to effects, including in a spatial perspective
  • Develop and understand resource management. Responsible recirculation of resources (water, air, soil, food, waste) to benefit economy and health.