The effects of climate change have already had significant observable and costly effects on societies and communities and across sectors and regions. Because of the inertia in the climate system, we need to adapt to a changing climate despite national and international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, our societies need to navigate adaptation policies and actions despite uncertainties in future climate projections and needs of climate adaptation.
Adaptation to climate change refers to changes in ecological, social and economic systems as a reaction to actual or expected climate changes. Adaptation can take place in processes, practices and structures in order to minimize the damages or maximize the benefits of climate change. Adaptation is necessary across sectors and across levels of decision making.
Department of Environmental Science works together with local authorities, regions and other research institutions to clarify and advance our understanding and handling of climate change effects on society.
A selection of the general questions that Department of Environmental Science works with include:
Ongoing and finalised projects relating to climate adaptation cover studies in Denmark, Europe and selected developing countries: