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ST Science Award - Congratulations

ST Science Award 2017 tildeles professor Lars Hestbjerg Hansen.

Happy Lars
Dean, Head of Department & Prize Receiver
Excited Lars, Dean & Danish Kingship
Now with a diploma (and Danish Kingship as a spectator)

In English below

ST Science Award 2017 tildeles professor Lars Hestbjerg Hansen, Institut for Miljøvidenskab, for hans stærke videnskabelige arbejde inden for den mikrobiologiske sektion på instituttet.

Lars har udvist en markant nytænkende intellektuel og frit legende tilgang i sin udøvelse af gerningen som professor ved Institut for Miljøvidenskab.

Han har opbygget en større gruppe af forskere, postdocs og ph.d.-studerende omkring analyser af mikrobielle økologiske sammenhænge.

Hans stærke fokus på analyser af mikrobielle samfunds ’mobilom’ er verdensledende, og området rækker gode samarbejdsforbindelser ind i Institut for Miljøvidenskabs øvrige arbejdsområder.

Lars er en eftertragtet samarbejdspartner og har stået for opbygningen af en meget stærk DNA-sekventeringsenhed, som har skabt en lang række samarbejdsprojekter. 
ST Science Award 2017


The ST Science Award 2017 goes to Professor Lars Hestbjerg Hansen, Department of Environmental Science, for his strong scientific work at the department’s Section for Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology.

Professor Hansen has demonstrated a distinctly innovative intellectual and easy-going approach in executing his work at the Department of Environmental Science.

He has built up a large group of researchers, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students involved in the analysis of microbial organic compounds.

His strong focus on analysing the microbial community’s mobilome is world-leading, and this area extends to good collaborative connections with the department’s other work areas.

Professor Hansen is a sought-after partner and he has been responsible for building up a very strong DNA sequencing unit that has led to a considerable number of collaborative projects.

ST Science Award 2017