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Researcher from the Department of Environmental Science appointed to Environmental Protection Agency committee

Head of section Berit Hasler from the Department of Environmental Science has been appointed to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Advisory Committee for Pesticide Research.

[Translate to English:] Berit Hasler er udnævnt som medlem af Miljøstyrelsens Rådgivende Udvalg for Bekæmpelsesmidler.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Advisory Committee for Pesticide Research has a new member. Head of section Berit Hasler from the Department of Environmental Science has been appointed as a member from 1 March 2015 to 31 December 2018. Berit Hasler has been appointed by the Committee for Strategic Research as their representative.


In the Department of Environmental Science Berit Hasler leads the section Environmental Social Science, where she works with environmental economics. Berit Hasler has worked with regulation of pesticides in a range of research and advisory projects.


The Advisory Committee for Pesticide Research, which consists of 12 members appointed by the minister of the environment, advises the Environmental Protection Agency on the strategy for the Agency’s pesticide research programme.  The members of the committee represent relevant research expertise, users with industrial and societal insight as well as other users and stakeholders. The members are appointed for a four-year period.


- I look forward to participating in the committee’s work. To begin with the work will comprise evaluation of applications. Later on, I will be involved in preparing new, relevant calls regarding pesticide research. In that regard I am very interested in sparring with the relevant scientific environments that are involved in pesticides, says head of section Berit Hasler.


The Committee advises the Environmental Protection Agency about distribution of funds for research projects regarding pesticides on the basis of, among other things, the projects’ importance for society, health, the industry, and the environment. Read more about the Environmental Protection Agency’s Advisory Committee for Pesticide Research (in Danish) here and the Pesticide Research Programme here.


For more information please contact: Head of section Berit Hasler, Department of Environmental Science, e-mail: bh@envs.au.dk, telephone. 8715 8637, mobile: 2217 2274



Yderligere oplysninger: Sektionsleder Berit Hasler, Institut for Miljøvidenskab, e-mail: bh@envs.au.dk, telefon. 8715 8637, mobil: 2217 2274