Aarhus University Seal


Ole Hertel: New professor as of 1 March 2017

New professor is an expert on air pollution.

[Translate to English:] Ole Hertel er udnævnt til professor i vurdering af befolkningens udsættelse for luftforurening ved Institut for Miljøvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet pr. 1. marts 2017. (Privatfoto)

Ole Hertel has been appointed Professor in Assessment of Human Exposure to Air Pollution at the Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University, as of 1 March 2017.

Professor Hertel carries out research into the assessment of the exposure of the population to air pollution by means of air pollution models, routine monitoring data and personal exposure monitoring, and in cooperation with health researchers determining the relationship between air pollution and health effects. His research also includes the assessment of air pollution loadings of marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

Professor Hertel graduated with an MSc in Environmental Engineering from Aalborg University in 1987, and he completed a dr.scient. degree (comparable to a PhD) at the University of Bergen in 1995. He also completed a BSc in Management at the Copenhagen University College of Engineering in 2004, as well as a DSc (higher doctoral degree) at the University of Copenhagen in 2009.

Professor Hertel came to the Air Pollution Laboratory (APL) under the Danish EPA in 1987. In 1989, the APL became part of the newly formed National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) under the Ministry of the Environment and Food, and became known as the Department of Atmospheric Environment.

In 1990, Ole Hertel was a PhD student at the Danish Research Academy and he matriculated at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen. In 2007, NERI became part of Aarhus University and, in 2011, NERI was split into two newly formed departments. ATMI became part of the Department of Environmental Science, where Professor Hertel has been employed as a researcher (1993–97), senior scientist (1997–2009), principle scientist (2009–13) and professor with special responsibilities (MSO) (2013–17).

Ole Hertel was born on 30 December 1961 in Copenhagen. He is married to Senior Physician Pernille Bræmer Hertel. They live in Ballerup together with their two teenage children.

Professor Ole Hertel will give his inaugural lecture later this spring.

Contact information:

Professor Ole Hertel
Department of Environmental Science – Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Aarhus University
Frederiksborgvej 399
4000 Roskilde
+45 3018 3114