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New project funded by the Innovation Fund: Innovative combination of MEMbrane technology and BIOlogical filtration for water purification (MEMBIO)

Tillykke til Lars Hestbjerg Hansen & Lea Ellegaard-Jensen.

In English only

MEMBIO brings together three research institutions (GEUS, AU, AAU), two waterworks and two companies to develop much-needed water treatment biotechnologies for removing pesticides and chlorinated solvents from contaminated drinking water resources.

The idea is to combine membrane separation and microbial degradation in sand filters as a new technology to remediate polluted drinking water. The membrane filtration produces clean drinking water, but also residual water with high pollutant concentrations. This residual water will then be treated in a biological filter added specific pesticide degrading bacteria and bacterial biofilm consortia.

Specific aims of MEMBIO include to 1) optimise the membrane technology to produce low volumes of highly concentrated residual water, 2) design membranes to produce concentrated water with an optimal combination of nutrients (N, P and organic C) providing the best conditions for biodegradation, 3) optimize the survival of introduced degrader bacteria and improve their degradation efficiency, 4) combine new ecological approaches with state-of- the-art molecular techniques to test how we can manage and steer the microbial communities to most efficiently degrade the contaminants, and 5) transfer the developed technologies from laboratory scale experiments to large scale demonstration.

Research at AU will be focused on the biological processes and organisms in the biofilters, to optimize their survival and efficiency. This will be done using DNA sequencing technologies to study e.g. biofilm formation and effects of environmental stresses.

The project started 1. March and will run for 4 years.
Besides Lars Hestbjerg Hansen & Lea Ellegaard-Jensen, a PhD student will be employed by the project.

Total budget (DKK): kr. 14.174.070 (AU part: 4.780.718)

The MEMBIO team

Read about the project here - in Danish only