Aarhus University Seal


GATE project

GATE: Global Analysis of Trade related Emissions.

Dario Caro, PhD and Tenure-track Researcher, has received a grant from Aarhus University Research Foundation, AUFF Starting Grant 2016, on 1,635,864 DKK for the project ‘GATE: Global Analysis of Trade related Emissions’.

Overall the GATE research project is expected to evaluate the environmental impact associated with trade at different level of analysis.

The main objective is to create a solid platform addressing the knowledge-generation for assessment of trade-related emissions and externalities as a basis for measures to incentivise consumers and systems for climate mitigation and sustainable resource flows.

The information generated is expected to provide important support to the GHG mitigation strategies, showing the effective potentiality of reduction of emissions embodied in trade.

For further information please contact  Dario Caro at dac@envs.au.dk