Aarhus University Seal


Customised Course in Air Pollution Modelling for 10 Chinese Specialists

Cooperation with The Danish Environmental Protection Agency and DANIDA.

Steen Solvang Jensen, Senior Researcher, Coordinator of Strategic Growth Area for Sustainable Energy and Environment, is responsible for running the course for the Chinese specialists.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency is currently conducting a DANIDA funded project with peer partners in China on air pollution assessment and management. The course on air pollution modelling is linked to this project. The objectives of the course are to provide 10 Chinese specialists with:                       

1: A general introduction to the physical and chemical processes governing air pollution levels in the ambient environment and their environmental and health impacts                        

2: How air pollution can be modelled and managed                     

3: A basic understanding of the air quality models used in research and management with focus on urban and street scale                     

4: Hands-on experience with selected air quality models working on Danish and Chinese data.

The course period is 3 months starting on 18 September and ends on 8 December 8 2017. The first two weeks will include lectures and exercises in air quality modelling and the remaining 10 weeks are dedicated to individual projects that the participants have to define and carry out under guidance from researchers at ENVS.

13 researchers are involved in the course as lectures and project advisors.

For further information please contact Steen Solvang Jensen (ssj@envs.au.dk)



Air pollution in Beijing has large health impacts and also severely effects visibility.