Aarhus University Seal


Annual report for Villum Research Station published

The first annual report for Villum Research Station is now available. Villum Research Station in North East Greenland is one of the world’s most Northerly and best equipped research stations, situated only 900 km from the North Pole.

Annual report for Villum Research Station

The first annual report for Villum Research Station is now available.

See the report on the web site of Villum Research Station.

Villum Research Station in North East Greenland is one of the world’s most Northerly and best equipped research stations, situated only 900 km from the North Pole. The facility was founded in 2014 based on means provided by the Danish private fund Villum Foundation. It was offically opened in July 2015. Villum Research Station is owned by the Greenland Government and is being operated by Aarhus University (Denmark) in cooperation with the Danish Defense (the Arctic Command). 

The aim of Villum Research Station, Station Nord is to provide unique state-of-the-art arctic research infrastructure for investigating climate change and its effects on atmospheric, oceanographic, biological, and geological conditions and processes in the High Arctic.