Aarhus University Seal


Air pollution project granted by the Climate Secretariat

Health impacts and related external costs of air pollution in the Municipality of Aarhus.

Steen Solvang Jensen, Senior Researcher, Coordinator of Strategic Growth Area for Sustainable Energy and Environment, and Jørgen Brandt, professor, Head of Section has received a grant from the Climate Secretariat, Municipality of Aarhus on DKK 200,000 for the project ‘Health impacts and related external costs of air pollution in the Municipality of Aarhus’.

The aim of the project is to make calculations of health impacts and related external costs (welfare economic costs) of air pollution for the Municipality of Aarhus based on the integrated model system EVA (Economic Valuation of Air pollution).

The project also includes an air quality assessment for the Municipality, and source apportionment that describes how much different emission sources contribute to the concentration level of selected health related air pollutants.

For further information please contact  Steen Solvang Jensen at ssj@envs.au.dk.