Aarhus University Seal


Advice on organic/local food procurement

Evaluation of ‘Kloge Fødevarer’ and the framework conditions for public sector food procurement.

In English only

Anders Branth Pedersen, Senior Researcher, has received a grant from Madkulturen, Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, on 495,000 DKK for the project ‘Evaluering af Kloge Fødevareindkøb’ [Evaluation of advice on public sector organic/local food procurement].

During the period 2013-2016, the institution ‘Madkulturen’ under the Ministry of Environment and Food has implemented a project called ‘Kloge Fødevareindkøb’ aimed at increasing the share of local and organic food in public sector food procurement by giving advice to municipalities, regions and national institutions.

In 2015, ENVS/DCE analysed how municipalities etc. experienced the advice given and which barriers they perceived for local/organic food procurement - read more here

The new project builds on this research and is aimed at:

(a) analysing the advice given in ‘Kloge Fødevareindkøb’ and identify the advice with most effect,
(b) analysing which barriers local food suppliers experience for supplying food to public institutions and
(c) analysing ‘Kloge Fødevarer’ initiatives aimed at changing framework conditions for public sector food

Data will primarily consist of the existing documentation in ‘Kloge Fødevarers’ data base and new qualitative interviews with municipalities and local food suppliers.

The ENVS research team is: senior researcher Anne Jensen, senior researcher Anders Branth Pedersen and student workers.

For further information please contact Anders Branth Pedersen at abp@envs.au.dk.