Aarhus Universitets segl

Open Seminar: Hans H. Richnow, Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Leipzig

Stable isotope concepts for characterizing sources and degradation pathways of chemicals in the environment.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 22. juni 2015,  kl. 14:00 - 15:00


The Pavilion, AU Roskilde



Are you interested in knowing more about 

"Stable isotope concepts for characterizing sources and degradation pathways of chemicals in the environment"

Speaker:   Hans H. Richnow, Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Leipzig

- then feel free to join the Open Seminar on Monday 22nd of June 2015, 14:00-15:00 in the Pavilion, AU Roskilde

Read invitation here.


The analysis and quantification of in situ degradation of contaminants in the environment is a challenge for many topics such as risk assessment, evaluation of remediation measures, management of contaminated aquifers as well as analyzing sinks of persistent organic chemical in the environment.

During the last decade concepts making use of stable isotope techniques allowing analysis and quantification of organic chemicals directly in the environment were developed (see for a review Meckenstock et al., 2004; Thullner et al., . 2012).

Today stable isotope concepts are under development for identifying sources of chemicals as well as degradation pathways for evaluating the fate of chemicals at a larger scale like a catchment or for long distance reactive transport processes.

We will discuss fundamentals of stable isotope concepts for analyzing in situ degradation for natural attenuation studies and how isotope fingerprinting may be integrate isotope concepts in environmental monitoring concepts for analyzing emerging contaminants.

Trends employing compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) are under development for characterizing sources and sinks of pollutants such as emerging contaminants, pesticides and pharmaceuticals will be discussed.

Host: Kai Bester, Senior Researcher, ENVS

External guests interested in attending the presentation should email:
Klaus Condé Christensen , kcc@envs.au.dk